Tag Archives: Movies

Read Watch Listen | No. 4

Read-Watch-Listen-JuneI wish this installment of “Read Watch Listen” had a theme, but like my brain these days it’s a little scattered and that’s ok. Hopefully it means that there’s something here for everyone, whether you enjoy witty parenting stories, beautiful cinematography with crazy characters or the beautiful sound of the mandolin. And if not, well it’s just a glimpse into what’s been catching my attention lately.

READ // Bringing Up Bebe – I bought this book months ago when I saw that Kathleen had read it in preparation for her little man to arrive. There are, of course, a lot of stereotypes and overstatements in this account of an American raising her children in France all the while trying to learn the art of french parenting, but I think there are some really great take-aways too. I don’t have enough space here to share all my thoughts on this book, but if you are starting a family or think you might one day start a family, it’s a great and insightful read. I think it will definitely have an effect on our parenting style (Phil is reading it now).

WATCH // The Grand Budapest Hotel – Wes Anderson does not disappoint. The story is hilarious, the cast of characters perfect and I loved seeing Ralph Fiennes play a role like M. Gustave. If you can still see this where you are, see it!

LISTEN // Sarah Jarosz – I stumbled across this artist on a mix playlist and immediately began searching for more of her music. She is one talented lady with a beautifully perfect, yet relaxing voice and intricate but calming instrumentation. Music like this inspires me to slow down and really enjoy the small moments in life.

Read Watch Listen | No. 3

Read-Watch-Listen-FebruaryWhile I enjoy reading non-fiction, watching PBS documentaries and listening to some classical piano, sometimes it’s nice to just be a kid and enjoy books, movies and music that just make you feel good!  That’s just what I’ve been doing.

READ // Divergent – If you liked the Hunger Games, you will love this new YA series. It’s going to be made into a movie next month so you better hurry. But don’t worry, it won’t take you long to finish it. I think I read all 500 pages in a couple of days.

WATCH // Despicable Me 2 – I have my sister to thank for this recommendation. I laughed so hard the first time we saw it that I had to own it myself. Minions. Enough said.

LISTEN // Happy – I’m always rolling my eyes at my husband’s eclectic music choices, but this one needs no eye rolling. And it’s from Despicable Me 2!  Give it a listen. You’ll be Happy!

Must-Watch Christmas Movies

I have been slowly growing my collection of Christmas movies each year, receiving most of them as Christmas gifts actually. Nothing makes me more excited than to pull out my stash each Thanksgiving and curl up on the couch to watch a feel-good-flick while knitting, writing Christmas cards or wrapping gifts.

I know every family has their own must-watch movies, and it’s always fun to see how your list compares to someone else’s.  So here’s what I try to watch every season. Christmas just doesn’t seem complete until I’ve watched each and every one…


How do these compare to what you normally watch each year? Am I missing any classic holiday films from my collection?  If so, maybe Santa can still find a way to have it under the tree for me!

5 Fantastic Things | November


Wow, did November go by quickly! Thanksgiving came and went in the blink of an eye and now Christmas will be here in just a few very short weeks. As has been the case these last couple of months, the final week was by far the busiest, packed with family, friends, work and house projects. I enjoyed every minute of it, but I am thankful to have a couple of days to rest heading into December.

5 FANTASTIC THINGS I want to remember:

  1. Hosting our first-ever Thanksgiving meal. I had so much fun making all the preparations for the meal, cooking alongside my husband, and having family over to our new home.
  2. Putting up Christmas decorations, however sparse they may be, including our first Christmas tree (a real one, of course)!
  3. A brisk, almost freezing run on Thanksgiving morning followed by a hot cup of coffee and plenty of food.
  4. Listening to Phil read a history of London picture book to a somewhat confused and overwhelmed 4 year old (my cousin’s son) who thought he had selected a simple pop-up book. Little did he know all he would learn from Phil’s vast knowledge on the subject! (The rest of that weekend was great too. My sister sure knows how to host a house-warming.)
  5. A relaxing Black Friday spent watching The Holiday, making Christmas ornaments and sipping hot spiced cider with my sister-in-law.

5 FANTASTIC THINGS I’m looking forward to:

  1. Watching all of my favorite Christmas movies (White Christmas, The Family Stone, Elf, Miracle on 34th Street and more).
  2. Baking and sharing Christmas cookies.
  3. Listening to the beautiful music of the choirs at Capital University (my alma mater) during the annual Christmas Festival concert.
  4. Attending Christmas Eve service, wherever that ends up being, to sing hymns, light candles and reflect on the peacefulness of the evening.
  5. Taking time to reflect on 2013 and put together a plan for a productive and happy 2014.

Past “5 Fantastic Things” posts: October // September // August // July // June // May

Read. Watch. Listen | No. 2

Read-Watch-Listen-2We had a really rainy weekend last weekend, which meant it was the perfect weather for reading, watching movies and listening to music while we worked around the house. So there were plenty of options to choose from when I was putting together my read, watch, listen post. Hopefully you see something of interest…

READ // Room by Emma Donoghue – This is a haunting story, and one that I just couldn’t put down. The premise is dark, but by telling the story from the point of view of a child, you see the situation from a completely different perspective than you normally would. This book came highly recommended and I am passing on that recommendation to you.

WATCH // Wait Until Dark – This movie is nothing new, but if you haven’t seen it, you must. Audrey Hepburn is amazing. She plays the part of a blind woman caught in a bad guy’s plot, having to rely only her other senses. With Halloween right around the corner, it’s the perfect suspense film.

LISTEN // Beirut – I stumbled across this album at the library and picked it up on a whim, probably because I liked the cover. Turns out, the music is pretty great too. It’s a mix of indie and world music, though it’s a bit hard to describe. Check it out. However you describe Beirut, I think you’ll enjoy it.


Read. Watch. Listen

Read-Watch-ListenLindsay over at Lost & Fawned did a read, watch, listen post a few weeks back and I loved it. Not only did a get some great recommendations, I also got a glimpse into her daily life and what she likes. So to let y’all see what piques my interest and maybe even get you excited to read, watch or listen to something new, here is what I’ve been reading, watching and listening to lately!

READ: Where’d You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple – Awesome book! I read it in three sittings, which is a record for me, who usually takes weeks or months to finish anything. I could not put it down. Semple used to write for television (Arrested Development anyone?) and it shows… in a good way. Bernadette was witty and heart-warming with great characters and a plot that made it impossible to put down.

WATCH: The Way Way Back – I will see anything with Steve Carell in it, but this was his first film where I didn’t like him. Not him as an actor (he can do no wrong), but him as in his character. The star of the movie was by far Sam Rockwell. He was that crazy guy who lives life the way he wants to live, but underneath it all he just cares about the people around him. It’s the perfect end of summer movie that will make you laugh, but most importantly, make you leave the theater just feeling good.

LISTEN: Royals by Lorde – I cannot get enough of this song. Thanks to the Everygirl for turning me on to this New Zealand singer. She needs no introduction – just listen!


“I found myself in Paris”

We watched Sabrina the other night (the “new” one with Harrison Ford) and regardless of whether or not you’re disappointed in me for not watching Audrey, you have to admit the film does a great job of making you want to jet off and “find yourself in Paris”, as Irene said. Come to think of it, most films set in Paris make me yearn for time to spend at length in the City of Light…Midnight in Paris, Something’s Gotta Give, Funny Face


I have been to Paris, but I know I did not appreciate it like I think I would now. I see myself spending hours at a cafe, wandering the city, journaling my heart out and soaking in the culture, all while La vie en rose plays as the soundtrack to my life.


What are some other Paris movies that “transport” you to the city? When they end, do you consider that it’s high-time you booked a flight and found yourself in Paris?

p.s. – We might be talking about Paris on the blog, but I know that our thoughts are really with Boston. Sending prayers your way…

We all scream for ice cream!


and eat!

Whenever we go to see a movie, it’s a given that we’ll stop at a little sno-ball and ice cream shop nearby for a treat.  I obviously went for the ice cream this time and the husband got a pink lemonade sno-ball.  Delicious!  And the movie was pretty good too.  We saw the Avengers.

Recognize the blouse?  I told you the kitten top was a new favorite.  I especially like it paired with the hot pink pants – something I don’t think I would have tried were it not for this challenge.

Oscar Checklist

My husband and I see a fair number of movies, whether in theaters or on DVD, and each year before the Academy Awards I like to compare the films I’ve seen to those nominated.  It should be just for inspiration, but it’s also a sort of score card to see how cultured I am.  Typically I look at 3 categories –  Best Picture, Actor in a Leading Role, and Actress in a Leading Role – to make my comparisons and then I create a list of must-rent-films.  Here is how we did this year…

Combined List of Films  – we saw 4 out of 15 (not so good):

I have to admit that I had never even heard of 4 of these films before the nominations were announced.  This list should keep our local RedBox in business for a while (yes, I gave up Netflix a year ago – more on that later).

Oh, and here is what I would be wearing tonight if I had been invited AND if Mila Kunis hadn’t already worn it to last year’s Academy Awards.  Absolutely beautiful…

{image courtesy of noniesworld.wordpress.com}