Tag Archives: Reds

5 Fantastic Things | May


Every month that passes means we are one month closer to meeting Denning Beta and in the words of my midwife, “it’s starting to get real”. I didn’t post very much this last month, but that was because we were so busy living life and getting our ducks in row before everything changes. We’ve been working hard, spending time with friends, tackling projects around the house and enjoying the start to a long, hot summer. May was a pretty great month.

5 FANTASTIC THINGS I want to remember:

  1. The perfect weather we had for the entire Memorial Day weekend. We took full advantage of it by walking through the neighborhood, catching a Reds game, attending a baby-wearing class, and strolling through Washington Park and we wrapped it up with a neighborhood cook-out under the stars. Perfection.
  2. Splurging on a delicious meal to mark the occasion of our friend’s visit home.
  3. Enjoying the view in Great American Ballpark for not one, but two impromptu Reds games this month to kick off the season.
  4. Sitting on the porch with my sister, drinking Izze and catching up like old times.
  5. Experiencing a sense of accomplishment when we figured out a not-so-basic DIY project for our office shelving. Even though it was hard work, it was worth it.

5 FANTASTIC THINGS I’m looking forward to:

  1. Seeing friends and family and celebrating Denning Beta at a our baby shower.
  2. Making good use of our first grill (just purchased this weekend)!
  3. Learning together about childbirth as we attend a series of classes to prepare (as much as one can for something like this).
  4. Visiting with my dad and step-mom who will be here for the first time since Christmas!
  5. Spending lots of time at the pool cooling off.

Past “5 Fantastic Things” posts:
April // March // February // January // 
December // November // October //
September // August // July // June // May

Take Me Out to the Ballgame


They say that when you spend a lot of time with someone, you start to take on the habits, sayings or interests of the other person. I spend a lot of time with my husband, and I know that I’ve picked up different sayings and habits from him and that I’m now interested in things that I didn’t know a thing about before. For example, I never watched baseball growing up and other than the occasional Clippers game for dime a dog night, hadn’t been to many games. But now, I am married to a Reds fan and I know more about baseball than I ever have, and I enjoy it! The peanuts and hots dogs (for Phil), the 7th inning stretch, the batters’ music as they step up to the plate, is all part of the fun of a baseball game. Obviously, seeing the game in person is my preference over watching it on TV, but either way, now I care about the score (or at least who won).

So take me out to the ballgame any day.