Birthday Reflections

many-happy-returnsFor whatever reason, birthdays have always meant a lot to me. I love the fact that each year we get to celebrate the day we made our entrance into the world and I appreciate that sentiment so much more now that I have experienced a birth day first hand. But more than it being just your own special day, I treat it sort of like a new year and think back on all that has changed since the last birthday. I am always amazed at all of the days, events, and frankly, little things that make up a year. It goes by quickly doesn’t it? Since this particular birthday is somewhat of a milestone (the big 3-0), I’m taking a look further back, at the whole of my twenties. What a decade of change! These were years of learning and discovery, of difficult choices and great rewards. Hind sight is 20/20, but if I could go back and share some tips and insight with myself, I might have just a few things to say…

  • You may stray from your college degree, but don’t discount what it taught you. Those years helped shape who you are.
  • Taking a job of your dreams, for little pay, might just offer you a priceless experience.
  • Moving far from home is hard, but you will grow more than you thought possible. You can always return.
  • Speaking of hard, it’s a challenge to make new friends after college, but with persistence, creativity and some guts, you’ll find those friendships are worth finding.
  • Don’t be intimidated by job descriptions. You are more qualified than you give yourself credit for.
  • Be proud of where you are from and don’t be embarrassed to say that you miss it (OH-IO).
  • Nothing compares to the relationship that’s built through marriage. It is quite possibly the best thing in the world so give it your all!
  • Your job doesn’t have to define you. Fill your evenings and weekends with activities and hobbies that excite you.
  • There is something to be said for being close to family. No one else will be able to make you smile like they do.
  • Home ownership is a great accomplishment, but try not to let it consume you, as hard as that may be.
  • You will never be truly ready for motherhood, but take the plunge anyway and be prepared to be changed in ways you never could have imagined.
  • It will be hard to believe the number of candles on your cake, because you certainly won’t feel like a thirty-something!

The truth is I’m excited for my thirties. I think this decade has the promise of being something truly amazing! And because this is real life, I doubt that change stops in your twenties.

p.s. About that 30 before 30 list, well I may have been a bit overly ambitious. I haven’t decided if those are still things I want to tackle or if maybe my priorities have shifted. I’ll keep you posted. You know me though, never one to go too long without some sort of goal.

1 thought on “Birthday Reflections

  1. Alicia Johnston

    I’ve got a little ways to go before reaching 30 but these are all great lessons, and it’s good to hear someone else give some of this advice. Not underestimating yourself is such a good lesson to learn early!


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